You Must Shock Your Body Into Growth

Because gaining weight for hardgainers is extremely difficult, the only way we will get bigger is to shock our bodies into growth. We do this by:
  1. Eating a lot of calories
  2. Training with heavy weights
The first shock is by eating more calories than your body is used to. This is the most important factor in gaining mass. When you overload your system with plenty of protein and fats, your body has no other choice but to gain weight. The goal is to eat just enough calories to allow your body to build more muscle, but not so many calories that you gain a large amount of body fat.
The second way we must shock our body is with weight training. Weight training is the fastest way to get your body to build more muscle. Dieting and weight training both work together. The weight training overloads the muscles and stimulates growth, while the food you eat provides the necessary building blocks to repair and build new muscle tissue.
If you don't eat correctly while weight training, you WILL lose muscle tissue.