Assessing Your X-Factor!

Every bodybuilder, competitive and non-competitive alike strives for a beautiful X-Frame.  This is made up of five distinct aspects, each of which you need to critique.  Try to understand these concepts and then use them to analyze each of these areas in your own body.  
1.  The Side Deltoid:  You need to examine yourself and see how developed your side deltoids are.  If they are lacking then you need to prioritize them now!  I cannot over emphasize the importance of this muscle when it is related to the entire body.  The wider your side delts the more complete your physique will be and the smaller your waste will appear.  Usually when people emphasize pressing movements and neglect isolation movements, they end up with lagging side delts.  So emphasize exercises such as side laterals, upright rows, overhead laterals etc.  
what this accomplishes:  Makes your collar bone appear longer and your waist look smaller.
2.  The Upper Back:  This area again adds width to your upper body and must be fully developed at all costs.   Nothing will widen your upper back like pull-ups will.  I mean nothing!  If you are basing your upper back routine purely on pull downs, then you are sabotaging serious growth.   First and foremost use pull-ups, and secondarily use pull downs as these are the second greatest way to build an upper back.  Do them wide, close, wider, closer and everyway in between!  
what this accomplishes:  Accentuates your shoulder width, adds to width itself and makes waist appear smaller.
3-4.  Hips and Waist:  These two areas are mostly a matter of body fat percentage.  The lower your BF, the smaller these areas become.  This should be accomplished by changing your diet so that your body shifts into a fat burning mode.  I.E.  Lower starchy carbs and slightly less calories.  I discuss this in much greater detail in my illusion article.  
what this accomplishes: Makes shoulders, back, and quadriceps appear extremely larger.  In edition it is the finishing signature to the rest of your body.
5.  Outer Quad Sweep: Most people lack the flair of the outer quad sweep.  However, this is just as important to the x-shape as any other aspect of your physique!  You see beautifully built outer quads make your waist appear smaller, and as we all know this is your finished product when you step on stage!  If you find you are lacking in this area try a this routine:
  • Free weight hack squats:  3 sets (12, 10, 8 drop the weight and get 12)
  • Close Stance Squats with Heels Elevated:  3 sets (10, 8, 6)
  • Machine Hack Squats: 3 sets (12, 10, 8 drop the weight and get 12) note:  if you don't have machine, use free weight hacks instead.
what this accomplishes:  Causes your waist to appear smaller and finishes the x-shape off.